Source code for bb_stitcher.core

"""Module to connect the stitching and mapping from image coordinates to world coordinates."""
import collections

import cv2
import numpy as np

import bb_stitcher.helpers as helpers
import bb_stitcher.io_utils as io_utils
import bb_stitcher.measure as measure
import bb_stitcher.stitcher as stitcher
import bb_stitcher.visualisation as visualisation

[docs]class Surveyor(object): """Class to determine the relationship between two images of one comb side . The :obj:`Surveyor` determines all needed data to stitch two images from different areas of one comb side to a complete view of the comb. On this basis the :obj:`Surveyor` can also be used to map the coordinates from these images to hive coordinates. """ def __init__(self, config=None): """Initialize Surveyor.""" if config is None: self.config = helpers.get_default_config() else: self.config = config self.homo_left = None self.homo_right = None self.size_left = None self.size_right = None self.origin = None self.ratio_px_mm = None self._world_homo = None self.cam_id_left = None self.cam_id_right = None # these will not be exported self._world_homo_left = None self._world_homo_right = None self._stitcher = None def _acept_filehandler(self, filehandler): filehandler.visit_surveyor(self)
[docs] def load(self, path): """Load saved parameters for mapping from file. Args: path (str): Path of the file, which holds the needed data. """ filehandler = io_utils.get_file_handler(path) self._acept_filehandler(filehandler) filehandler.load(path) # modify homographies from the stitcher to map points to world coordinates self._world_homo = Surveyor._determine_world_homo(self.origin, self.ratio_px_mm) self._world_homo_left = self._world_homo_right =
[docs] def save(self, path): """Save parameters of the :obj:`Surveyor` needed for later stitching to a file. Args: path (str): Path of the output file. The extension must be '.npz' or '.csv'. See Also: - :mod:`.io_utils` """ filehandler = io_utils.get_file_handler(path) self._acept_filehandler(filehandler)
@staticmethod def _determine_world_homo(origin, ratio_px_mm): trans_homo = np.array([ [1, 0, -origin[0]], [0, 1, -origin[1]], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float64) ratio_homo = np.array([ [ratio_px_mm, 0, 0], [0, ratio_px_mm, 0], [0, 0, 1] ], dtype=np.float64) return
[docs] def determine_mapping_parameters(self, path_l, path_r, angl_l, angl_r, cam_id_l, cam_id_r, stitcher_type): """Determine the parameters for mapping of images and coordinates. This functions is used to calculate all needed data to stitch two images and to map image coordinates/angels to hive coordinates/angles. Args: path_l (str): Path to the left image. path_r (str): Path to the right image. angl_l (int): Angle in degree to rotate left image. angl_r (int): Angle in degree to rotate right image. cam_id_l (int): ID of the camera, which shot the left image. cam_id_r (int): ID of the camera, which shot the right image. stitcher_type (Stitcher): Stitcher to use for stitching of the images. """ assert stitcher.Stitcher in stitcher_type.__bases__ img_l = cv2.imread(path_l, -1) img_r = cv2.imread(path_r, -1) stitch = stitcher_type(self.config) stitch.estimate_transform(img_l, img_r, angl_l, angl_r) panorama = stitch.compose_panorama(img_l, img_r) stitching_params = stitch.get_parameters() self.homo_left = stitching_params.homo_left self.homo_right = stitching_params.homo_right self.size_left = stitching_params.size_left self.size_right = stitching_params.size_right self.origin = measure.get_origin(panorama) self.ratio_px_mm = measure.get_ratio(panorama) self.cam_id_left = cam_id_l self.cam_id_right = cam_id_r # modify homographies from the stitcher to map points to world coordinates self._world_homo = Surveyor._determine_world_homo(self.origin, self.ratio_px_mm) self._world_homo_left = self._world_homo_right =
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """Return the estimated or loaded parameters of the :obj:`Surveyor` needed for later stitching. With this function you could save the :obj:`Surveyor` parameters and load them later for further stitching of images and mapping of image coordinates/angels to hive coordinates/angles in relation to hive. """ StitchingParams = collections.namedtuple('SurveyorParams', ['homo_left', 'homo_right', 'size_left', 'size_right', 'cam_id_left', 'cam_id_right', 'origin', 'ratio_px_mm']) result = StitchingParams(self.homo_left, self.homo_right, self.size_left, self.size_right, self.cam_id_left, self.cam_id_right, self.origin, self.ratio_px_mm) return result
[docs] def set_parameters(self, homo_left, homo_right, size_left, size_right, cam_id_l, cam_id_r, origin, ratio_px_mm): """Load needed parameters for mapping image points/angles to hive coordinates/angles. This function becomes handy if you calculated the parameters in an earlier surveying process and did not want to calculate the parameters again and just want to map image points/angles to hive coordinates/angles. Args: homo_left (ndarray): homography *(3,3)* for data from the left side to form a panorama. homo_right (ndarray): homography *(3,3)* for data from the right side to form a \ panorama. size_left (tuple): Size of the left image in px, which was used to calculate \ homography. size_right (tuple): Size of the right image in px, which was used to calculate \ homography. cam_id_l (int): ID of the camera, which shot the left image. cam_id_r (int): ID of the camera, which shot the right image. origin (ndarray): Origin of the stitched data/image in px *(2,)*. ratio_px_mm (float): Ratio to convert pixel to mm. pano_size (tuple): Size of the panorama in px. """ self.homo_left = homo_left self.homo_right = homo_right self.size_left = size_left self.size_right = size_right self.cam_id_left = cam_id_l self.cam_id_right = cam_id_r self.origin = origin self.ratio_px_mm = ratio_px_mm # modify homographies from the stitcher to map points to world coordinates self._world_homo = Surveyor._determine_world_homo(self.origin, self.ratio_px_mm) self._world_homo_left = self._world_homo_right =
[docs] def map_points_angles(self, points, angles, cam_id): u"""Map image points/angles to points/angles in relation to world/hive. This happens under the assumption that the mapping parameters were estimated or loaded before. Args: points (ndarray): List of points from left image in px *(N,2)*. angles (ndarray): Angles in rad (length *(N,)*). cam_id (ndarray): ID of the camera, which shot the image. Returns: - **points_mapped** (ndarray) -- ``points`` mapped to hive in mm *(N,2)*. - **angles_mapped** (ndarray) -- ``angles`` mapped to *(N,)*. Note: For all angles in ``angles`` it is assumed that a 0°-angle shows to the right border of the image and that a positive angle means clockwise rotation. """ self._stitcher = self._stitcher or stitcher.Stitcher(self.config) # using modified homographies to map points and angles to world coordinates self._stitcher.load_parameters(self._world_homo_left, self._world_homo_right, self.size_left, self.size_right) if cam_id == self.cam_id_left: points, angles = self._stitcher.map_left_points_angles(points, angles) elif cam_id == self.cam_id_right: points, angles = self._stitcher.map_right_points_angles(points, angles) else: raise ValueError('Got invalid cam_id {invalid_ID} cam_id must be ' '{left_ID} or {right_ID}.'.format(invalid_ID=cam_id, left_ID=self.cam_id_left, right_ID=self.cam_id_right) ) return points, angles
[docs] def compose_panorama(self, path_l, path_r, grid=False): """Try to compose the given images into the final panorama. This happens under the assumption that the mapping parameters were estimated or loaded before. Args: path_l (str): Path to the left image. path_r (str): Path to the right image. grid (bool, optional): If ``True`` a grid with axes in mm will be drawn on the image. """ # TODO(gitmirgut): PoC draw grid in dependency of step_size stitch = stitcher.Stitcher(self.config) stitch.load_parameters(self.homo_left, self.homo_right, self.size_left, self.size_right) image_left = cv2.imread(path_l, -1) image_right = cv2.imread(path_r, -1) pano = stitch.compose_panorama(image_left, image_right) if grid: visualisation.draw_grid(pano, self.origin, self.ratio_px_mm, step_size_mm=8) return pano