Source code for bb_stitcher.prep

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"""This module provides functions to prepare an image or points for stitching."""
import ast
import functools
from logging import getLogger

import cv2
import numpy as np

import bb_stitcher.helpers as helpers

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Rectificator(object): """Class to rectify images and points. Remove lens distortion from images and points. """ def __init__(self, config): """Initialize a rectificator with camera parameters. Args: config: config file which holds the camera parameters. """ # TODO(gitmirgut) add link to description for loading auto configuration. # TODO(gitmirgut) add action when config is none. self.intr_m = np.array(ast.literal_eval(config['Rectificator']['INTR_M'])) self.dist_c = np.array(ast.literal_eval(config['Rectificator']['DIST_C'])) self.cached_new_cam_mat = None self.cached_dim = None self.cached_size = None
[docs] def rectify_image(self, image): """Remove lens distortion from an image. Args: image (ndarray): Input (distorted) image. Returns: ndarray: Output (corrected) image with same size and type as ``image``. """'Start rectification of image with shape {}.'.format(image.shape)) h, w = image.shape[:2] cached_new_cam_mat, __ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix( self.intr_m, self.dist_c, (w, h), 1, (w, h), 0) log.debug('new_camera_mat = \n{}'.format(cached_new_cam_mat)) return cv2.undistort(image, self.intr_m, self.dist_c, None, cached_new_cam_mat)
[docs] def rectify_points(self, points, size): """Remove lens distortion from points. Map points determined from distorted image to its position in an undistorted image. Args: points (ndarray): List of (distorted) points *(N,2)*. size (tuple): Size *(width, height)* of the image, which was used to determine the points. Returns: ndarray: List of corrected ``points``. """ points = np.array([points]) # size = (img_width, img_height) # size and camera matrix will be cached to speed up rectification if multiple images # with same size will be rectified. if self.cached_size != size or self.cached_new_cam_mat is None: self.cached_size = size self.cached_new_cam_mat, __ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.intr_m, self.dist_c, self.cached_size, 1, self.cached_size, 0) log.debug('new_camera_mat = \n{}'.format(self.cached_new_cam_mat)) return cv2.undistortPoints( points, self.intr_m, self.dist_c, None, self.cached_new_cam_mat)[0]
[docs] def rectify_points_angles(self, points, angles, size): """Remove lens distortion from angles. Map angles determined from distorted image to its angles in an undistorted image. Args: points(ndarray): List of (distorted) points *(N,2)*. angles (ndarray): List of Angles in rad (length *(N,)*). size (tuple): Size *(width, height)* of the image, which was used to determine the points. Returns: - **rect_points** (ndarray) -- List of corrected ``points`` - **rect_angles** (ndarray) -- List of corrected ``angles`` """ angle_pt_repr = helpers.angles_to_points(points, angles) rect_points = self.rectify_points(points, size) rect_angle_pt_reprs = self.rectify_points(angle_pt_repr, size) rect_angles = helpers.points_to_angles(rect_points, rect_angle_pt_reprs) return rect_points, rect_angles
@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=16) def __get_affine_mat_and_new_size(angle, size=(4000, 3000)): """Calculate the affine transformation to rotate image by given angle. Args: angle (int): Rotation angle in degree. Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation. size (tuple): Size *(width, height)* of the potential image, which was used for determine the points. Returns: - **affine_mat** (ndarray) -- An affine *(3,3)*--matrix which rotates and translate image. - **new_size** (tuple) -- Size *(width, height)* of the future image after rotation. """ import math # determine the center. (width_half, height_half) = tuple(np.array(size) / 2.0) center = (width_half - 0.5, height_half - 0.5) log.debug('center of the rotation: {}'.format(center)) # Convert the 3x2 rotation matrix to 3x3 homography. rotation_mat = np.vstack([cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0), [0, 0, 1]]) # To get just the rotation. rot_matrix_2x2 = rotation_mat[:2, :2] # Declare the corners of the image in relation to the center corners = np.array([ [-width_half, height_half], [width_half, height_half], [-width_half, -height_half], [width_half, -height_half] ]) log.debug('corners of the rectangle: {}'.format(corners)) # get the rotated corners corners_rotated = corners_rotated = np.array(corners_rotated, np.float32) # calculate the new dimension of the potential image. x_cor = corners_rotated[:, [0][0]] right_bound = max(x_cor) left_bound = min(x_cor) w = math.ceil(abs(right_bound - left_bound)) y_cor = corners_rotated[:, [1][0]] top_bound = max(y_cor) bot_bound = min(y_cor) h = math.ceil(abs(top_bound - bot_bound)) size_new = (w, h) log.debug('size_new = {}'.format(size_new)) # matrix to center the rotated image translation_matrix = np.array([ [1, 0, math.ceil(w / 2.0 - width_half)], [0, 1, math.ceil(h / 2.0 - height_half)], [0, 0, 1] ]) # get the affine Matrix affine_mat = log.debug('affine_mat = \n{}'.format(affine_mat)) return affine_mat, size_new
[docs]def rotate_image(image, angle): """Rotate image by given angle. Args: image (ndarray): Input image. angle (int): Rotation angle in degree. Positive value means counter-clockwise rotation. Returns: - **rot_image** (ndarray) -- Rotated ``image``. - **affine_mat** (ndarray) -- An affine *(3,3)*--matrix for rotation of image or points. """ img_size = image.shape[:2][::-1] affine_mat, size_new = __get_affine_mat_and_new_size(angle, img_size) log.debug("The affine matrix = {} and the new size = {}".format(affine_mat, size_new)) rot_image = cv2.warpPerspective(image, affine_mat, size_new) return rot_image, affine_mat
[docs]def rotate_points(points, angle, size): """Rotate points by given angle and in relation to the size of an image. Args: points (ndarray): List of points *(N, 2)*. angle (int): Rotation angle in degree. Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation. size (tuple): Size *(width, height)* of the image, which was used to determine the ``points``. Returns: ndarray: Rotated ``points`` *(N, 2)*. """ points = np.array([points]) log.debug('Start rotate points.') affine_mat, __ = __get_affine_mat_and_new_size(angle, size) return cv2.transform(points, affine_mat[0:2])[0]